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This year 9 religion class has helped me to learn a lot about religion and how people celebrate it around the world, what people see in Mary, God and Jesus and more. Overall this subject was very fun to learn about, i have new knowledge of religious and all of the religious cultures. Thanks SIR!!! 😀

Catholic Church In Australia–6

What it means to be Catholic?

I have grown up in a non-catholic background and hadn’t learnt to anything about christianity until year 6 when i had first gone to a church with my school. I have never actually been to church without being with my school. My parents thought it would be good to go to a catholic school because it has a good education but also because i have asked my parents to tell me about religion and jesus, them being non-catholic couldn’t tell me any of the details. Going to a catholic school has helped me learn religion and also how other people think about christianity. I have to admit that going to the cathedral for prayers and all of the other things they do in church, is boring. I feel you should have different types of mass’s for different aged people and could be cut shorter. If you change these it would be more fun for people and more people would participate which would increase the amount of people that come into the church and believe in jesus.

Good vs Evil

people helping homeless


This is a video of people helping homless


Myth prezi

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